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Awkward Silence (Volume.1) by Hinako Takanaga


Satoru, is an introverted student who struggles to express himself, and it doesn’t help that he always has a mysterious look on his face that can make it hard to tell what he’s thinking. Despite this, there is one person who understands Satarou- his crush Keigo who happens to confess his feelings to him. Overwhelmed and surprised, Satoru is not sure how to respond to this sudden confession, if he doesn’t break his silence and tell his crush how he feels about him, he may lose his chance to be with the boy he loves. Will Satoru be able to overcome his awkwardness?

Volume 1 Review:

After reading the description on the blurb, I didn't feel as drawn to this storyline as I would have liked to have been, it came across as quite mediocre and had a generic plot. Despite this, I liked Satoru (the uke), due to relating to his inability to express himself properly and struggling to find the right words to say. It can be overwhelming to talk to people about even the simplest of topics, especially with the fear of saying the wrong thing or coming across badly to them, so I found lots of comfort in his character. ( ノ ^o^)ノ

Parts of the uke’s character did bother me because I enjoy ukes that are strong-willed, so at some points, I was getting annoyed at Satoru’s fragileness (e.g. when Satoru lost the charm that Keigo had given him and instead of explaining that, he created a misunderstanding- making Keigo think he was avoiding him), but there is some character development when he is able to find a little bit of courage to say what he is thinking to Keigo (towards the end of the manga).

The seme (Keigo) is a really enjoyable character to read about, as he is charming and kind to our uke which is what I like to see in couples. However, I feel that the couple’s relationship developed extremely fast to the point where the plot became slightly boring- there needed to be more of a build-up to the start of their relationship rather than jumping straight in. There were also a lot of sex scenes (I think I counted three or four- maybe one for each chapter) which seems like a lot for the first volume. (。-<>ー。)

Overall thoughts and feelings:

There were some good parts to this manga such as feeling connected to the troubles that Satoru goes through but for the most part, I didn’t find this read that interesting as the plot came across as basic. This would be a good manga to read for those who are beginners when it comes to healthy yaoi couples, but I have read so many plots that are similar to this one so it can get boring after a while. Everything in the plot seemed to move way too quickly which meant that there was no build-up of excitement about finding out the outcome of any problems they were having. I believe there are six volumes in total and I have only read the first volume, there may be more development in the other volumes but I won't be collecting anymore due to the storyline not hitting that impacting spot for me. I’d give this a 3/10, which is very harsh, I know, but this is my honest review. That's it for now, I will be back next Saturday with the next manga review…


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